7 Churches and Their Report Cards
Product Description Jesus told his disciples that he would build his church (Matthew 16:18). He did not just provide an architect’s plan, he supervised every construction process. The first three chapters of the biblical book of Revelation describe Jesus’ report card for seven of the churches in ancient Asia Minor. They are, of course, something of a template for all churches, then and now, and are expected to match the plumb line that Jesus has set as his standard. The bad news is that the churches have many faults. The good news is that the Lord of the church loves the church and helps each church correct its shortcomings. Some are very good at following instructions. Some are very bad. Jesus loves them all, invites them to shape up but prefers that they don’t ship out. About the Author William H. Jones is an ordained Baptist minister living in Toronto. He is a graduate of McMaster University and Divinity College, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and Sioux Falls Seminary. He is a former president of The Canadian Church Press and for over a dozen years, served as editor and manager of The Canadian Baptist magazine. Most of his ministry was as a pastor of Ontario Baptist churches. He is married to Glee, has three sons and daughters-in-law, seven grandchildren and some great grands.