A Comprehensive Guide to Breeding, Raising, & Conditioning Gamefowls
There’s this knowledge that you have to gain through experience, in addition to what you have gained through the books that you have read. Knowledge is needed to successfully breed, raise, and condition game birds, and every gamefowl breeder and cocker alike must acquire and use this knowledge to further their cause, level up their game, and hopefully immortalize themselves in the world of cockfighting.
You can think of this book as a mirror, from which differing opinions must be viewed from a reflective view point. You don’t have to be perfect in everything you do. It doesn’t have to be that way, as no one is perfect anyway. Every improvement comes from learning through your mistakes and your desire to lift up or change the situation you find yourself in.
But you can always have full control over what you’re only able to do. You have to make the most of it. Believe in yourself and take it to the next level. You are what you see. You are what you do. You are what you explore. It’s all up to you.
The breeding, raising, and conditioning of game birds is therefore a matter of personal preference. And you have many options to choose from. You can even reinvent the wheel and secure your place on it.
You see, there is only losing and winning what should matter. But the cost that can accrue as a result of your mistakes, miscalculations, misjudgments, misinterpretations, and overconfidence is something you should also try to control as much as possible. So, grab a copy of this book now and read on!