African Stripes: a pattern set for bead crochet ropes
Product Description
This is a pattern set which is the result of an on-line workshop project. It’s based on inspirations and colors culled from African textiles and beadwork. There are multiple pattern sections that are strung, added to the previous section, and crocheted into two necklaces. Each pattern segment can be used alone, modified, or combined with other segments to build individual ropes. You can use the author’s colors or chose your own from the inspirational materials. The book does not contain instructions for the bead crochet technique. This pattern set is the result of an on-line Summer’s project and has all of the patterns and repeats that were used. You can make many different necklaces or bracelets from the material presented. Grow two 45″- 50″ necklaces from multiple pattern blocks and crochet them in manageable sections. This pattern set contains: 30 pages of information Complete material requirements African color inspirations Graphs & stringing tables Design and construction methods 4 complete projects (2 necklaces, 2 bracelets) 13 pattern sections 30+ pattern repeats Blank graph paper to color Notes, hints, tips Adding in thread and invisible closure This book is the third in a series of pattern sets that are compilations of designs based on a theme.
About the Author
Judith Bertoglio-Giffin, international author, artist, designer, and teacher has been beading for over 25 years. She teaches beading workshops nationwide that include advanced bead crochet techniques. She emphasizes many of the creative approaches to the craft. Judith’s other beading passions are free-form peyote and bead embroidery. Judith splits her year between studios in NH and AZ. “The journey of creation is as important as the finished piece.”