Americus: The American Epos
Americus is an epic poem depicting the United States’ history in verse. It is historically accurate, yet entertaining and attractive in both form and substance. Its goal is to extoll the virtue, beauty, and plight of the Greatest Country on Earth from its Medieval origins to the modern days.
Americus is the Jungian shadow of the American People, the Geist of the Place, Spirit of the Land. He is the chief protagonist of this narrative poem. You may find him associated with Columbia, his Anima that is also the Westward Spirit of the Free People settling the Land, becoming the Land. He is also the proverbial Uncle Sam, usually residing in Washington D.C. – the Ole Man, son and father, dressed in Stars’n’Stripes, taking charge when need be but, more often than not, being the butt of all jokes and criticism that Americus’ ventures, foreign and domestic, glean from the presumptuous, petulant earthlings like you and I.
Americus is as real as you and I. You cannot see Him, and yet, He is always here, with us. He was born hundreds of years ago and, we may surmise, much like the Greek and Roman gods, have had his place in the Human Parthenon for millennia. America, this huge, beautiful, magnificent Country, this infinitesimally miniscule piece of the Universe, unimportant to anyone but us, has always been His – because America is not just a palpable and tangible part of God, but an idea. Indeed, it is the best, most precious Idea bequeathed to us from Above. Americus may be a God, but he is also the Husband to the Land. As such, He is part human, part divine. Although the former part may perish with us, the latter will remain forever. It is from Him we learn, it is for Him we live, and die.
This is His Story.