Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning
Product Description
Andratesha Fritzgerald presents Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in a new light: As an effective framework to teach Black and Brown students. Drawing vivid portraits of her classroom instruction in urban over the past two decades, Fritzgerald shows teachers how to open new roads of communication, engagement, and skill-building for their students. The result? Helping students become expert, lifelong learners who feel honored and loved.Â
Praise for Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning
“This book will inspire the brilliant teacher in all of us.”
David Rose, CAST Co-Founder
“Antiracism and UDL is exactly what the field of UDL needs now. Brilliant!
Katie Novak, Author and UDL Expert
“The book we have been waiting for!”
Kathy Wahl, Director of the Inclusion Collaborative, Santa Clara County Office of Education
“A must read for all educators engaging in antiracism work.”
Hillary Goldthwaite-Fowles, Author and Inclusive Education Consultant
“Teachers in all school settings can benefit [from this book.]”
Dr. Henry Pettiegrew II, Superintendent of East Cleveland Schools
“Fritzgerald leaves the reader with many ‘I got it!’ moments.
Deborah L. Plummer, PhD, Author and Editor
“A testament to the hard work, dedication and vision of [Tesha] Fritzgerald.”
Pamela Donaldson, Cleveland Program Director, Facing History and Ourselves
“A marvelous resource [for] authentic antiracist UDL-based practice.”
Mirko Chardin, Co-Author, Equity by Design: The Power and Promise of UDL
“A timely and powerful call to action!”
Christa Krohn, Co-President, Learning Forward Ohio
“Tesha is empowering teachers to help Black and Brown students achieve their dreams.”
Jennifer Malcolm, host of the Jennasis Speaks podcast series
“No educational book could be more relevant.”
Wendy W. Murawski, Executive Director of the Center for Teaching & Learning, California State University
About the Author
Andratesha Fritzgerald, EdS, serves as Director of Teaching, Learning and Innovation for the East Cleveland (OH) City School Districts and has been a teacher and leader in urban schools for nearly 20 years. Her life’s work is to awaken, celebrate and activate the brilliance of teachers, leaders, and students to actualize achievement wherever it seems impossible. She has been a speaker at CAST’s annual UDL Symposium and state conferences for teachers, and is a keynote speaker and professional development provider with Novak Educational Consulting. A self-proclaimed Jeapordy enthusiast and imagination expert, Fritzgerald loves writing and dreaming out loud with her husband, two children, and committed educators who believe in academic success for all.
As a mother of social justice, activist, and the founder and CEO of the Tamir Rice Foundation, Ms. Samaria Rice proudly serves as an advocate for juvenile rights in Cleveland, Ohio. Since the murder of her 12-year-old son Tamir by Cleveland Police in 2014, Ms. Rice has committed her life to justice and standing on the frontlines for children. Samaria’s passion for civil rights reaches across lines of difference, uniting us all to work towards change. Following Tamir’s death, Samaria has continued to use her voice in the service of her son’s legacy. Samaria encourages us to take back our communities by standing up for justice. She has become a motivating force for families and communities across the nation. Ms. Rice founded the Tamir Rice Foundation in 2016. The mission of the Foundation is to invest in the growth and enrichment of children through the arts and to create a world in which all children feel safe, nurtured, and valued – especially in their darkest times. Ms. Rice is active in the arts nationally and globally. She frequently collaborates with artists and arts organizations on projects in response to the shooting of Tamir, state-sanctioned violence, and juvenile rights. Her biggest undertaking yet is the Tamir Rice Afrocentric Cultural Center, which will provid