Baby and me: Pregnancy Journal & Planner: Journey through each trimester, plan, prepare and enjoy your pregnancy from conception to birth


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 Baby and Me Pregnancy Journal & Planner
 for newly pregnant moms. Makes a beautiful gift.This is the perfect keepsake gift to capture the memories of your pregnancy forever, so that you can all revisit it in years to come. Take a sneak peek of the book’s interior with the “Look Inside” feature on Amazon.
Cool cover 8 inches by 10 inches in size with black and white interior.
Jam packed with everything you may want or need to plan and prepare for during your 9 month journey through motherhood.
This beautiful planner include:
Weekly planning table
Weekly To do lists
Important contacts
Prenatal Appointments
Antenatal Class Log
Healthy Food List
Weekly Meal Planners
Doula Questionnaire
Birthing Plan
Hospital Packing List
Partners Checklist
People to Notify List
Postnatal Planning

List Boys Names
List Girls Names
Baby Budget
Nursery Ideas
Nursery Layout Plan
Nursery Wish List
Nursery Checklist
Baby Proofing the Home
Baby Shower Registry
Baby Shower Memories
Baby Shower Guests and Gift List

Symptoms Tracker
Weight Log
Belly Pics
Baby Growth Tracker
Baby Kick Counter
Baby Scans

First Trimester Notes
First Trimester Checklist
Trimester 1 Weekly breakdown
Second Trimester Notes
Second Trimester Checklist
Trimester 2 Weekly breakdown
Third Trimester Notes
Third Trimester Checklist
Trimester 3 Weekly breakdown

Welcome to the World – Baby and Birth Details
Photos and notes
Monthly Baby Planner – Appointments, Outings, To-do Lists and Notes 1-6 Months
Monthly Miles Stones 1-6 Months

“Dear Baby” Journal Pages to write messages and entries between you and your baby.

Baby and me: Pregnancy Journal & Planner: Journey through each trimester, plan, prepare and enjoy your pregnancy from conception to birth
Baby and me: Pregnancy Journal & Planner: Journey through each trimester, plan, prepare and enjoy your pregnancy from conception to birth


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