Bell Lap
Exploring the performative complexities of female embodiment, bell lap is a gorgeous muscular surge of linguistic athleticism and sensory endorphins. Athenian, mud-streaked, and spiked with adrenaline, this smart and sexy poem cycle running the course of a cyclocross race caroms with imagistic verve and chiseled diction through rugged physical, gendered, psychological, and poetic terrains–glistening with sweat-sheened splendor and pure animal joy.
Lee Ann Roripaugh
What a great book [bell lap] is. It races along and is racy and exhilarating and unapologetic for flinging mud into the air. Laura Winberry is Sappho on a bicycle.
Lisa Jarnot
In bell lap, Laura Winberry takes you on a ride through “the carnival of cyclocross” with her badass girl gang of spandex-clad cycling Eves in tow. These poems whoosh past you at lightning speed, blowing your hair back as you cheer on their unapologetically gutsy & gritty, joyful & vulnerable version of womanhood.
Marisa Crawford