CMA Study Guide 2021: Certified Medical Assistant Exam Preparation
Includes 2 Complete Practice Tests
Designed to help medical assistant students pass the Certified Medical Assistant or Registered Medical Assistant exam, our comprehensive, no-fluff study guide contains what you NEED TO KNOW to pass the exam.
In addition to a comprehensive and targeted review, our study guide contains 2 complete practice exams.
We also provide detailed explanation of answers to help you understand why an answer is incorrect.
Key topics covered in the study guide include:
Anatomy, Physiology, and Medical Terminology
Patient Communication
Legal and Ethical Issues
Scheduling Appointments
Medical Records
AED Usage
Airway Management
Standard Assessment
Medical Administration
Practice Finances
Preparing Medical Claims
Infection Control
Patient Intake and Documentation
Collecting and Processing Speciments
Diagnostic Testing
Emergency Management
and Much More!