Developing multiplatform desktop applications with .NET 5: Build apllication for Windows, macOS and Linux from a single project with C# (Developing multiplatform C# GUI applications)
What you will learn in this book?
* What is .NET 5
* Performant GUI design practices.
* Essentials for software development project management.
* Essentials C# coding technics (for rookie C# developer).
* Setup an efficient development environment for .NET 5.
* Create and publish a multiplatform NuGet package.
* Study several technical solutions for the GUI implementation.
* How to choose the adapted UI technology for your application specifics.
* Start to code a desktop application project(boilerplates furnished).
* Produce compact native executable from a C# project.
* Package and distribute an application on Windows, Linux and macOS.
Who is it for?=> Microsoft .NET coders and developers.=> ASP.NET Web developers.=> C++ coders and developers.
Boost your multiplatform project!
This book contains several project templates and boilerplates useful for starting quickly and easily the development of a multiplatform desktop application, that’s avoiding you a long and tedious study and research phase for finding
the most relevant solution adapted for your software project.
You can focus on the functional features of the application rather than the technical constraints of a multiplatform project.