Discovering Music
Product Description
Make your Music Appreciation course as inspiring as the music it covers.
Discovering Music, Second Edition, offers a compelling and contemporary guide that invites your students to connect intellectually and emotionally with music from the Western canon and beyond. The second edition features
an expanded video program, additional coverage of women and minority composers, and new “Making Connections” sections that allow students to make connections with non-Western musical traditions.
Please click the “Book Information” tab for detailed information on the text’s unique features.
Digital Learning Tools to Enrich Your Course
All new print and electronic versions of
Discovering Music, Second Edition, come with access to a full suite of engaging digital learning tools that can be delivered in a variety of ways to suit your course needs: in your local LMS with Oxford’s interoperable course cartridge, in Oxford’s
cloud-based Dashboard, or in a stand-alone enhanced eBook.
An enhanced eBook integrates Larry Todd’s engaging narrative with a rich assortment of audio and video resources
Streaming audio provides students with access to high-quality recordings of all seventy-eight key pieces discussed in the text
Digital Listening Maps animate the “First Listen” segment of the in-text Listening Maps, making it easier for students to follow along with the music
A collection of fifty-six engaging videos provides hours of rich multimedia content, including instrument demonstrations by members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra; opera performance clips; new non-Western music demonstrations; and author videos in which R. Larry Todd explains and demonstrates key
Auto-graded quizzes test students’ knowledge. Quizzes average 8-10 questions in length and often include at least one listening question related to a brief audio clip.
New assignable “Listening Log” essay activities in each part ask students to find and explore additional musical examples related to material discussed in the part
Discovering Music is intuitive and logical, offering an excellent blend of general information and substantive detail while addressing the needs, abilities, and interests of different kinds and levels of listeners. It is a well-organized, well-illustrated, lucidly explained, and elegantly written
text that provides non-majors with a thorough and engaging introduction to the musical art.”–John Michael Cooper,
Southwestern University
Discovering Music is the most exhaustive book of its kind for classes on general music listening. It’s a treasure to have as my class textbook.”–Anthony Kelley,
Duke University
Discovering Music is a fantastic book for any Introduction to Music or beginning music course. The language is clear and easy to understand. Todd uses great listening examples and his guided listening maps walk students through the pieces and explain what they will hear. This is a well-thought-out
book that is great for beginners or music majors.”–Heather Worden,
SUNY Broome Community College
Discovering Music is well written and concise. It includes an excellent selection of repertoire and covers many essential (and interesting) aspects of the music and culture for each of the periods. Its choice of subjects, composers, and music; its exploration of the culture and society that
surrounded the music; and its accessible yet detailed approach all make it stand out among music appreciation texts.”–Seth Coluzzi,
Brandeis University
“I love the videos. For one, students get to see and hear from the author of their text, which is very rare. In addition, they get instruction that illustrates basic musical concepts clearly and in a way that they can understand.”–Judy Hand,
McNeese State University
About the Author
R. Larry Todd is Arts and Sciences Professor of Music in Trinity College of Arts and Sciences at Duke University.