Ear Training Vol. I: Scale Forms through Six Basic Tetrachords
Product Description
EAR TRAINING: A Comprehensive Approach to the Systematic Study of Melodic and Harmonic Structures in Music. Volume I Scale Forms through Six Basic Tetrachords.
From the Publisher
This new title is meant for the serious-minded musician. This comprehensive approach involves the study of melodic dictation and aural memorization. It is based upon the presentation and study of Six Basic Tetrachords and their relationship to different scale forms found in melodic invention. The fragmentation of scale construction is also explored. The following areas of study include: Major Scales; Minor Scales with the Aeolian, Harmonic, & Melodic Forms; Chromatic Scales; Modes: Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, & Locrian; Whole-Tone Scales; Pentatonic Major & Minor Forms and the Six Basic Tetrachords: Major #1, Minor #2, Phrygian #3, Whole-tone #4, Dominant Harmonic Minor #5, & Chromatic #6.
From the Author
Volume I involving the study of scale forms represents the ideal starting point for the musician interested in preparing and developing a fine ear. Through this study, one may secure and provide the foundation for excellence in music performance, insights into improvisation, and an understanding of melodic and harmonic intentions. It is the optimum study for enhancing one’s ear. To a very large extent, the degree of musicianship is most often, directly-related to one’s ability to hear and capture the essence of melodic and/or harmonic invention. This volume on ear training clearly sets the direction for excellence in music.
About the Author
Elvo S. D’Amante is the former Department Chairman of Music at Laney Community College and the author of other fine books on music theory, including Music Fundamentals published by Ardsley House Publishers of New York and the very successful best seller All About Chords.
Music Fundamentals and All About Chords can also be purchased through Amazon.com.