Encyclopedia of Terrorism (Facts on File Library of World History)
Product Description
Offers more than three hundred alphabetically arranged entries covering the people, organizations, events, and places associated with international terrorism and terrorist activities.
From Booklist
Like the first (2003) edition, Encyclopedia of Terrorism is intended to be a selective reference work on the most significant aspects of modern world terrorism. The revised edition reports on the major changes to the terrorist groups, which include their splintering, networking, and reforming across national borders. In addition, as terrorism has changed, so have the agencies, policies, and various international organizations that combat its spread. This edition is similar in length and scope to the first, having more than 300 A–Z entries ranging in length from a few paragraphs to several pages, each concluding with references. The entries cover people, such as Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong Il, and Salman Rushdie, and groups, such as the Haganah, the Japanese Red Army, and the Montana Freemen. The longest entry, Overview of terrorism, by region, provides 29 pages summarizing terrorist activities in almost 80 countries. New entries include Biological agents; Darfur; Homeland Security, Department of; Madrid train bombings; The 9/11 Commission Report; and USA PATRIOT Act. The valuable chronology, which begins with January 7, 1946, when Nazi sympathizers murdered two U.S. occupation officials in Passau, in the U.S. zone, is updated to December 29, 2006, with an entry on the car bombing at Madrid Barajas Airport. The section “U.S. and International Reaction to September 11, 2001, Day by Day” is retained and remains the same. One of the most important parts of the revision is the introductory essay on the changes to world terrorism since the events of 9/11. Still aimed at the general reader from ninth grade up, Encyclopedia of Terrorism would be a good acquisition, especially if the first edition was not purchased. Carbone, Jerry
About the Author
Martin Slann teaches at Macon State College.