Every Student, Every Day: A No-Nonsense Nurturer® Approach to Reaching All Learners (No-Nonsense Nurturer® Classroom Behavior Management Strategies)
Product Description
With foreword by Lee Canter
No-Nonsense Nurturers® are educators who build life-altering relationships with students, set high expectations for students, and hold themselves and their students accountable for achievement. Every Student, Every Day shares the lessons, mindsets, beliefs, strategies, and classroom expectations these high-performing teachers use daily to optimally support the needs of every student they serve.
Use this book to implement No-Nonsense Nurturer® classroom behavior management strategies:
Gain effective classroom-management techniques and training and create a positive classroom culture.
Access companion videos designed to deepen your learning of classroom management.
Explore the No-Nonsense Nurturer® four-step model.
Understand how to use an empowered mindset to create a positive learning environment, set classroom expectations, and increase student engagement.
Complete activities that will help you reflect on your current classroom management techniques and determine next steps.
Contents: Foreword by Lee Canter Introduction: The Need for No-Nonsense Nurturing
Part 1: Examining Relationship-Building Paradigms of Effective and Ineffective Classroom Managers Chapter 1: Ineffective Classroom Management–Unintended Enablers and Negative Controllers Chapter 2: Effective Classroom Management–No-Nonsense Nurturers
Part 2: Establishing a No-Nonsense Nurturing Classroom Culture Chapter 3: Give Precise Directions Chapter 4: Use Positive Narration Chapter 5: Implement Accountability Systems Chapter 6: Build Life-Altering Relationships
Epilogue: Putting It All Together References and Resources
“Every Student, Every Day provides a powerful road map for educators to build strong, productive relationships with students and their families. It cracks the code for establishing high expectations for students’ success, while providing the essential nurturing and care for student development.”
–Errick L. Greene, superintendent, Jackson Public Schools, Mississippi
“In Every Student, Every Day, Kristin Klei Borrero provides the why for change, the tools and resources to implement it, and the mindset needed to maintain it. As a school leader who has leveraged the No-Nonsense Nurturer® four-step model, I can say it is single greatest factor in my school’s significant gains in student culture and achievement.”
–Meaghan Loftus, principal, Ashley Park PreK-8 School, North Carolina
“Every Student, Every Day illustrates how re-envisioning teacher-student relationships can help engage and empower students who might be alienated by status-quo approaches to classroom management. Especially valuable are the reflections to help readers transform how to imagine, implement, and evaluate their own practices.”
–Patrick Camangian, associate professor and department chair, teacher education, University of San Francisco, California
“Every Student, Every Day: A No-Nonsense Nurturer® Approach to Reaching All Learners is a must-read for every teacher, instructional coach, and administrator. No-nonsense nurturing provides the tools all educators need to building life-altering relationships with students and change school culture to ensure high levels of engagement and learning.”
–Elaine Georgostathis, No-Nonsense Nurturer coach
“Every Student Every Day is a great read for all educators who work in or out of urban classrooms. I’ve seen Kristyn Klei Borrero single-handedly change the culture of a staff in a positive way. The way she cares for her students is amazing. This book is a must-read, a how-to resource if you want to promote high levels of learning in your school.”
–Stephen Ashford, physical education teacher, East Palo Alto Charter School, California
“Kristyn Klei Borrero could be a new teacher’s best friend and an experienced teacher’s constant companion. Every Student, Every Day is definitely bedside reading for teachers, parents, and all who to relate to and enrich the lives of today’