Good News of Great Joy: 25 Devotional Readings for Advent
Product Description
25 Advent Readings by Pastor and Author John Piper
Come, let us adore him. This beloved Advent refrain captures the heart of the season. Advent is for adoring Jesus. It is a season of preparation to ready our hearts for the glory of Christmas Day as we celebrate the coming of the eternal God in our frail humanity. These twenty-five short devotional readings from John Piper aim to help you keep Christ at the center of the Advent season.
“Good News of Great Joy brings within our reach a fresh discovery of the glory of Christmas. What a relief, for busy people like every one of us, to sit down for 10 minutes each day in Advent and think about Jesus our Savior―and rest, rejoice, revive!”―Ray Ortlund, Pastor to Pastors, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee
“How can we experience Advent in a way that is advantageous to our souls after December 25? By beholding and enjoying the glory of God in the incarnate Christ, your Savior, your Lord, your brother, your friend. John Piper’s Good News of Great Joy takes you on an exploration of the good news of Christmas, inviting you to join him in wonder, awe, and a joy that surpasses holiday cheer. This book is about everlasting joy, and Piper will point you to it, to him, Jesus Christ.” ―J. A. Medders, author, Humble Calvinism; Director of Assessment, Acts 29
“These Advent devotions from the pen of John Piper may be brief, but you will find in them the depth and richness of thought that Piper is well-known for. With a sense of joyful reverence, he holds us by the hand and takes us into the inner sanctuary of the incarnation. As we pause at the fountainhead of the Son born to us in Bethlehem, we are primed to appreciate even more the gushing floods of love in his mangled form on Calvary. If you want your Christmas season to be spiritually enriched, marinate it with thoughts from this book!” ―Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia
“What a treasure chest of truth about Jesus! In these short, poignant devotions, John Piper lifts our gaze again and again to see Christmas as it really should be seen―as good news of great joy for you and for me. This book is an invitation to know the incarnate Son sent by the Father in the power of the Spirit.”―Abigail Dodds, author, (A)Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ
About the Author
John Piper is founder and lead teacher of and chancellor of Bethlehem College & Seminary. He served for thirty-three years as the pastor for preaching and vision of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and is the author of more than fifty books, including Desiring God; Don’t Waste Your Life; and Reading the Bible Supernaturally.