High-quality single full speaker crossover circuit with 1 bass and 1 trumpet: Price for 1 unit
Frequency Distribution For bass 30 40 -50 fun High-Quality Hi-End Single, Bright Shrimp Power Bowl, High Quality Goods
The frequency divider circuit has a structure consisting of two main parts: speaker protection system and frequency division circuit
The signal from the amplifier put into the speaker first must pass through the protection system, limit the signal limit and endurance of the sub speakers to eliminate excess residue. Advanced protection system with safety ensures users when operating for many hours
Power :500 w-1800 w
Frequency range: 20 Hz -25,000Hz
Huyen Cuong Electronics
Specializing in providing speaker industry products, spare parts for repair….
Distributing professional audio equipment such as: Power push, stage speaker, Digital wine, sound lift, power filter….