How to Read Tarot Cards: An Essential Guide for Learning the Tarot Card Spreads, Tarot Card Meanings, and How to Read Tarot Cards for Yourself or Others
The world of Tarot works not through pronouncements of doom and gloom, made with assurances set in stone, but with skill and subtlety, employing feelings and emotions to listen to the message. As any practitioner will tell you, the future isn’t a contract chiseled in concrete, but rather a wish scribbled in beach sand just before high tide. Tarot isn’t used to predict one’s future; rather it helps guide you in smaller yet more meaningful ways. For example, instead of telling you exactly where your life will be ten years from now, the cards can help you get where you want to be ten years from now, simply through pointing out the helpful and hindering forces, mindsets, and habits with which you currently surround yourself. The symbols and stories behind each card in a deck force introspection and contemplation upon you, making you examine the reality of your current situation and what changes need to be made. They push you to relate situations and deeper circumstances from your life along mentally drawn parallels within the cards. But how can you learn to read and interpret the cards so that you can fully understand – and even divulge to others – what the world of Tarot is trying to reveal? That’s exactly what this book is going to show you. Let’s get started!