Kaiju No. 8 Kafka Hibino Chibi Nui Mascot


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We will send various products from Japan.
100% genuine product!
If you have any questions, please feel free to chat.
I hope you find the product you want.

-Regarding delivery
Our products are shipped from Japan.
After placing your order, it will be shipped from our warehouse to the shopee location in approximately 2 business days.
It will remain in “To Ship” status until it is scanned at a shopee location. Once the scan is complete, you will be able to see your tracking.

-Cancellation of Orders
If you have placed an order by mistake, you can cancel it yourself within a few minutes.
If more than 10 minutes have passed since the order was placed, cancellation by the customer will not be accepted under any circumstances. Please check carefully before placing your order.

-About customs duties
Please note that if the amount exceeds 10,000 pesos, customs duties will be charged.
If you would like more than one item and it would cost more than 10,000 pesos, please place separate orders.

(C) Defense Force 3rd Unit / Naoya Matsumoto/Shueisha
Size: Approximately H12cm
Material: polyester etc.

Kaiju No. 8 Kafka Hibino Chibi Nui Mascot
Kaiju No. 8 Kafka Hibino Chibi Nui Mascot


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