Kakeibo: Household Finance Ledger | 家計 | 貯める | 家計簿 |Art Of Saving | Kakeibo (家計簿) Saving | Japanese Art Of Saving | Household Budget Manager | Household Finance Control | Save Money
Kakeibo (家計簿) is the essential tool used by any money-savvy Japanese household budget manager (usually the wife!). Kakeibo literally means household finance ledger and it is easy to use to take charge of your finances and budget.
If you control the money for the household, you need this Japanese household budgeting tool to help you with household finances (家計), show you how to save money (貯める), and take charge of the household finance ledger (家計簿).
A truly diligent budget manager/housewife diligently keeps up her kakeibo every day, noting down items in each budget category. This is easy to do with the 6″X9″ Kakeibo book.
The Kakeibo book gets you to think before you make a purchase.
How much money do you have available?
How much would you like to save?
How much are you spending?
How can you improve?
Before you spend your hard earned money, ask yourself these questions:
Can I live without this item?
Based on my financial situation, can I afford it?
Will I actually use it?
Do I have the space for it?
How did I come across it in the first place?
What is my emotional state in general today?
How do I feel about buying it?
The less you spend, the more you will save.
Here are some simple kakeibo-themed strategies to ensure that you spend more mindfully:
Wait 24 hours before a major purchase
Don’t let BIG sales tempt you
Check your bank balance often
Spend in cash only
Put reminders in your wallet
Change your spending environment.
Remember to be mindful always.
The main thing that makes Kakeibo saving unique is the added component of mindfulness. Pay close attention to your spending and think about whether or not your purchases make you happy.
Write down your spending as you go in this 6X9 inch, 100-page, paperback Kakeibo book.
Keep your Kakeibo journal with you throughout the day and jot down your spending as you make purchases. This will help you be mindful of how your money is spent.
Track the following in the Kakeibo book’s pre-formatted pages:
Monthly Budget Progress
Budget Summary
Monthly Savings Plan
Savings Tracker
Monthly Money Goals Tracker
Monthly Expense Tracker
Financial Journal
Save money the Japanese way. It does work!