Latin English Missal: for the Traditional Mass (Large Print)
This is a Missal Booklet for praying the Traditional Mass according to the Missale Romanum 1962. It is a revised version of our 2016 edition, reset with a more legible font. To the prayers before and after Mass, Communion, and Confession, we have added the Holy Rosary, Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Stations of the Cross, and scores for certain hymns and chants. We have also included the propers — the Introit, Collect, Lesson, Gradual, Tract, Gospel, Offertory, Secret, Communion and Post-Communion prayers –- but only the ones for Trinity Sunday. In churches where the Traditional Mass is prayed, the propers for the Mass of the day are usually lent out along with the Missal Booklet, but most of the time they are not set in large print. Propers may be downloaded from the suggested sites mentioned in this booklet.