Matchbox 1975 Opel Kadett C GT/E Super Chase 1/64 Scale


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-If you place an order, we will process it within 24 hours.
-For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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-We ship our items carefully, we always use boxes and bubble wrap.
-Delivery time depends on the COURIER.

** Please note that you may not receive the item with the “perfect” paint job or “perfect” wheels condition. While we do our best to hand pick the best items, there may be imperfections due to manufacturer quality control. Please note that we inspect the items before putting them in the box, If you seek the “perfect” condition of the item, we recommend shopping in person in malls/toy shop to see the actual item you intend to purchase. Unfortunately, we will not be able to exchange items due to imperfections.

**We have absolutely no control on how shipping courierÂ’s handle your package, thus, there is a chance that it may come in less than perfect condition. But we do our best to pack your items well to avoid such handling damages by courier.

Brand Name: MATCHBOX
Material: Metal
Condition: Mint
Recommend Age: 4-6y
Recommend Age: 7-12y
Recommend Age: 12+y
Features: Diecast
Certification: 3C
Scale: 1:64
Type: Car

Matchbox 1975 Opel Kadett C GT/E Super Chase 1/64 Scale
Matchbox 1975 Opel Kadett C GT/E Super Chase 1/64 Scale


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