Matchpoint Defense – Kick it up a Notch: Practical Improvement Techniques
We play a lot of bridge that is scored in matchpoints, but much of what is published shows decisions that are appropriate for IMP games. Why? Well as Jerry Helms says in his popular Bridge Bulletin column (October 2020), “…higher-level players prefer IMP games because IMP games may have less randomness in the results.” MATCHPOINT DEFENSE and MATCHPOINT OFFENSE are completely about decisions you make while playing duplicate scored in matchpoints – where every trick you get counts equally. it doesn’t matter whether you are getting an overtrick, one less undertrick, or whether the trick makes or sets a contract.Anne Lund author and owner of the excellent site, (written with Mike Lawrence), says: “Stuart Terry with his co-authors (Assserson and Toobs) presents this excellent two-book series that modifies players’ defense and offense specifically to score better at duplicate bridge. Engaging hands and humorous prose accompany you as you capture one extra trick.”MATCHPOINT DEFENSE is the rare book written completely about the next-level of defense. This book emphasizes building a picture of your partner’s hand before the first card is played, in the middle-game, and in the end-game.MATCHPOINT OFFENSE shows the ways to get an extra trick when you are declarer. Lund writes: “Enjoy the quiz in the second section and learn how an expert visualizes the hand before the first card is played. See how well you do compared to others, while you dissect the hand with the authors in the post-mortem. “MATCHPOINT OFFENSE also includes a complete 24- board tournament with extensive commentary.