MEZCO ONE:12 Collective Rumble Society – Baron Bends and The Aquaticons
Baron Bends, ancient, lone warlord of the cosmic realm and last remaining Aqua-Knight. Now a galactic nomad the Baron searches time and space on a holy quest known only to him. The One:12 Collective Baron Bends wears Tangaroanian Armor, the hi-nanotech armor of the Aqua-Knights that is capable of withstanding any atmospheric condition as well as creating an incredibly strong protective skin. Baron is well-equipped to take on whatever creatures lurk in the depths, wielding his Omni-Glaive, furnished with a novablade capable of cutting through practically anything. Baron is the keeper of the Weigh of Woes, a gilded anchor-shaped weapon forged from the underwater volcanic furnaces of his stronghold planetoid and infused with negatite. The Weigh of Woes harnesses immense powers bestowed upon it by The Order of The Holy Divers many a millennia ago. Baron Bends is accompanied by the Aquaticons – his trusty, elite troop that receive commands telepathically from the technology in his helmet.