Most Common Expressions You Will Need While You Are In Morocco: This short book will help you interact and communicate with locals in Moroccan Arabic (Moroccan Arabic lessons)
Most common expressions you will need while you are in Morocco: a book written by a Moroccan teacher, with more than six years of experience, to help those who plan to visit Morocco or want to learn Moroccan Arabic, Darija. In this short elegant book, you will learn a lot of important things that will help you once you arrive here. Among these things are: how to greet people, how to introduce yourself, weekdays, food, how to defend yourself against any rude or bad behaviour and more important things. In short, the book is a collection of almost all common expressions and phrases one can need in different contexts when they are in Morocco.
Most Common Expressions You Will Need While You Are In Morocco: This short book will help you interact and communicate with locals in Moroccan Arabic (Moroccan Arabic lessons)