Notary Journal: Public Notary Log Book for Notarial Acts | 300 Records for Signing Agents | Notary Public Record Book
Professional Notary Log Book
This Notary Journal will help you keep all your notarial records, secure and organized in one place.
On each page, you can write down detailed notarial acts. Sequential numbered records with two records per page.
The logbook contains a summary of the records, which will make it easier to find earlier records. It also includes a front page for notary’s name and contact information, as well as log book number and log book start date information.
Each Entry Includes:
Record Number
Signer’s Name / Address / Phone / Email
Witness’ Name / Address / Phone / Email
Witness’ Signature
Signer’s Signature
Identification Type / Number / Issuer / Issue & Expiration Date
Fees Charged
Document Date and Type
Date and Time Notarized
Thumb Print
Service Performed
Comments box for additional information
Book Details :
300 Records (two records per page)
Notary record summary
Space for notes on the last pages
Perfect size 8.5 x 11 Inches
Easy and Comprehensive Layout
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