Of Forests and of Farms : On Faculty and Failure
Product Description
Literary Nonfiction. Essays. Performance Studies. What do plants want, and where within our bodies might we know it? Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves’s bibliomantic excursion unearths pastoral metaphor in books she used to inspire, direct, and reflect upon her performance “unschoolMFA” (2012-2015). “If you see me, and I am glowing, it is because I did not let my first teachers kill me. An ouroboric Blackness traverses a settler fantasy of The Cultivated Wild. A fable of fruit trees and alphabets to feed a wilderness that refuses its name. Take good care / to shape with language / worlds that want to hold us all.”
Book Description
This pamphlet’s bibliomantic excursion unearths pastoral metaphor in books that Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves used to inspire, direct, and reflect upon her performance “unschoolMFA” (2012-2015).
About the Author
Adjua Gargi Nzinga Greaves (New York) is a Pushcart- nominated poet concerned with postcolonial ethnobotanical literary criticism, the limits of language, and archive as medium. Greaves has most recently been published in
The Brooklyn Rail, the collections
Letters to the Future: Black Women / Radical Writing (Kore Press), and
Creature/Verdure (Pinsapo Journal), as well as in her chapbook
Close Reading As Forestry (Belladonna*). Formerly a Monday Night Reading Series curator at The Poetry Project, she will be an artist-in-residence with The Robert Rauschenberg Foundation on Captiva Island, Florida in early 2020 and serves as Site Director of Wendy’s Subway in Bushwick, Brooklyn.