Soul Training with the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis
Product Description
“In an age of body workouts and exercise regimens, training the soul for peace may be one of the most important routines we take up on a committed basis. For there can be no peace in the world unless there is peace in the heart.”—Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF, Josephine Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology, Villanova University
After reading Soul Training with the Peace Prayer of Saint Francis, you’ll know why pontiffs, presidents, politicians, paralegals, plumbers, and proofreaders keep turning to the Peace Prayer. This simple prayer can train the soul and keep you in shape until you cross the finish line into eternal life. Think of this book as your workout manual that offers encouragement to condition all the muscles of the virtues to help you stay spiritually fit: faith, hope, love, forgiveness, joy, consolation, understanding, and selflessness.
“The Peace Prayer gets you in the zone where God’s grace shapes and stretches your soul, transforming you into a saint who shimmers and shines.”—from the introduction
We live in a world of high anxiety where talk of peace is obscured by a noisy culture of chaos. Francis of Assisi also lived in tumultuous times but turned his life around, from the darkness of worldly greed toward the light of God’s generous love. In the wellspring of God’s love, he found the deep joy of peace. Father Albert Haase has given us a workbook of conversion, following Francis’s spiritual path. Drawing from personal stories and Franciscan spirituality, Father Haase illumines the Peace Prayer as a way of turning from darkness to light, from anxiety and distress to the deep peace of God’s love. Each chapter concludes with a thoughtful “training workout” and reflection points to consider, as the soul is shaped in love. In an age of body workouts and exercise regimens, training the soul for peace may be one of the most important routines we take up on a committed basis. For there can be no peace in the world unless there is peace in the heart.
—Sr. Ilia Delio, OSF, Josephine Connelly Endowed Chair in Theology, Villanova University
Inspired! Fr Albert Haase takes us on a panoramic tour into the human drama using the verses of the Prayer attributed to St Francis. With each phrase of the prayer, Fr Haase opens up a dimension of human pain and invites us to see the lives of those who have not only suffered but found spiritual freedom. Most interesting to me as a third order Franciscan are the stories from Francis’ life that illustrate how this great saint emptied himself of all privilege and power in order to be transformed by the suffering. In this volume the reader encounters real people’s stories, including the author’s, the examples of numerous saints, and the spiritual principles that lead to a life of joy in following Jesus.
—Fr Dave Scheider, Episcopal priest, spiritual director, member of The Third Order Society of St. Francis (Episcopal)
About the Author
Albert Haase, OFM, is a popular preacher, teacher, and spiritual director. A former missionary to mainland China for over eleven years, he is the award-winning author of twelve books on popular spirituality and the presenter on five bestselling DVDs. He has trained spiritual directors for ten years. He is currently chaplain at Cedarbrake Catholic Retreat Center in the diocese of Austin, Texas. Visit his website at