Sp01010 MINI STATIONERY 5 in 1 STATIONERY SET Cute Character/Pencil
Mini Statioery 5 in 1 Stationery Set with cute character
1 Set There:
2 x Pencils
1 x Abdomen
1 x Eraser
1 x Ruler
1 x Pen Holder
There are various variants such as those in the photo
Important INFO! The terms and provisions of shopping in Maxbuy.ph store
?? Each package will be bubble warp PACKING to make it safer, if you want to use BOX, when checkout + Checkout BOX ??
?? Quality according to ITEM PRICE
?? If the item is damaged, not ad photo / video as proof we will not accept Protest / not serving
?? If ad question please chat admin store / Whatsapp
?? The goods run out, will be replaced randomly.
?? Before 2 pm checkout, the goods will be in process sent also that day.
??Sunday / RED DATE OFF