Stretching Your Limits III: Gymnastics Stretching: Build strength and flexibility for powerful gymnastics (Volume 3)
Product Description
Stretch to your limits!
Stretching Your Limits III is a step-by-step instructional book for the Gymnastic Strength Band, a tool you can make at home using bands you already own. The goal is to help you gain more flexibility. Using a Gymnastics Strength Band can take your flexibility to the next level.
Within the pages of this flexibility training book for gynamstics, you will not only be taught how to stretch efficiently and effectively, you will also learn the necessity of warming up, and cooling down. It is particularly aimed at those that are stretching for flexibility and who participate in:
Rhythmic Workout
There are more than 50 great stretches in this gymnastics stretching book. All of them have been carefully choreographed by a professional ballerina, up and coming dancers and gymnasts. Photographs let you see the exact positions to strive for in your stretch. Dancers, gymnasts, kids and adults can benefit from these stretches as well.
These can also be used with the barre workouts. This makes a great cheerleading stretch band. With this stretch band workout book and a great set of stretch bands, you’ll be properly prepared to stretch yourself to the top. With these specific stretches for flexibility you will be on your way to ultimate flexibility.
Order your copy today and see how stretching with stretch bands can increase your flexibility, proficiency and ultimately, your performance because…that’s what it’s all about.
About the Author
14 Peaks grew out of a desire to create great books to help people live a full life.
I grew up playing sports and spent 25 years of my life as a coach. As I transitioned into a new life stage, I wanted to continue coaching, but it morphed into a different type of coaching.
I became the “coach” for our publishing company. With an aunt that was such a talented writer, it seemed natural to move in that direction. She formed the base for our team.
I wanted to bring together a publishing team like I bring together my sports team. A team who could work together to deliver you, our audience, the best books possible.
“You don’t have to be an expert at everything; you just have to bring in those who are.”
I used this motto to put together the best publishing team possible. With the talent of some fabulous authors, great editors and super illustrators we bring you the best flexibility book possible. We hope you enjoy!