The Abundance Journal
HAVE YOU EVER FELT LIKE…•You never have “enough” money (no matter how much you actually have)•You can’t relax when it comes to your finances–you’re always worried the clients are going to dry up or the last client you signed will be your last client ever• You’re going to wake up one morning + discover a completely empty bank account and/or all your clients have fired you• Nice and/or luxurious things just “aren’t for you” (or certain things are, but not the things you truly want)•You should probably be more practical–because who are you to turn the creative ideas in your head into actual (large amounts of) cash?•You should probably be more practical–because who are you to turn the creative ideas in your head into actual (large amounts of) cash?•You can’t create money consistently and will probably always ride the “feast-or-famine ”rollercoaster (so better buckle up!)•If you do have a high income month, it was “just a fluke” & you doubt whether you can do it again• You don’t even know if you want to be rich because rich people are [insert- negative-adjective-here]•Or any other negative emotion about money and abundance? Yeah? Then you’re in the right place. The good news? There are ways to actively raise your frequency to attract & make yourself available for more abundance. And one of the best ways is through a regular abundance journaling practice!