The Story of Diwali: Rama & Sita. The Ramayana Adapted for Children. (The Festival of Light.)
This book is ideal for children aged 3-7.
The perfect introduction book to the epic story of Rama and Sita. Follow Rama as he meets the Monkey God Hanuman and they embark on a great adventure.
A simplified version of the Ramayana. Very easy to understand with bright, beautiful, and detailed illustrations.
Not too long, a fantastic bedtime read.
Great Diwali gift!
A great resource for learning about the festival of light.
Please note that as with every religion and ancient religious works, some very small details may be different from what another person has been exposed to.
As many people know Hindu beliefs can vary significantly even from village to village in India.
As this book is aimed at younger children, it does not go too deep, this is the universally accepted simplified version. This is the basic story, as your child gets older, as with any subject it is your responsibility and theirs to study and learn and find determine which interpretations are correct.
This is my artistic depiction which I have based on thousands of other historic art and works.
A coloring book is also available to buy, please click on author name.