Wedding Invitation 15156 aaprint minimum order 50pcs
Are you ready for merids?
We’ll help ya.. creepy.
Because we produce blAngko ourselves so no need to ask stock anymore
Every price listed on the bekasi wedding invitation includes:
-blanko In print / print
-With Location if it is outside the invitation + barcode
Why the hell should print here???
-we Provide 1Pcs invitation master for checking and in air conditioning before in multiple
-master Sample invitation we print also as reference / consumer benchmark & seller
-we Will only propagate the invitation if consumers check is completed
-minimum Order of only 50pcs
The Data needed is
-the Second name of the bride
-the Name of both the bride’s parents
-akad And reception event time and place
-according If you wear
-share Location or tell the exact address so that the location plan can be exact we created
For more details can also come to our place you know at
Printing aa print in Ruko ivory pearl east bekasi
Block r 7 no.13 mustikajaya, east bekasi 17158
Thank you
Items price includes shipping fee that should be borne by the buyer.