WEN ME251R 10-Inch Aluminum Offset Marking Gauge and Layout Tool with Laser-Etched Scale
Remember when you had an offset gauge, ruler, and adjustable square all in one tool? The WEN Aluminum Marking Gauge provides a variety of helpful woodworking applications for users of all kinds. Unlock the center knob to freely slide the gauge back and forth. This allows you to manually take caliper-grade measurements with . 002-inch precision. Vernier scale includes both metric and imperial markings, depending on the needs of the task at hand. This allows users to mark out workpiece reference lines, align tool fences, and set exact cutting depths on their router tables or table saws. Sturdy aluminum alloy construction provides a durable long-lasting straight edge while the laser-etched markings maximize precision and prevent fading. With a WEN Offset Gauge, the possibilities are endless. Remember when you had a tool that did it all? Remember WEN.