Who Is Like You, among the Gods?: A Prayer Digest Based on the Original Biblical Languages
There are thousands of prayers in the Bible. Some are only a few words in length; others form the content of entire chapters, such as psalms. Consequently, reading and reciting biblical prayers and their content constitute one way to pray Scripture as we express our desire that our prayer requests align with God’s will.
Many believers desire to pray using the original biblical languages using the Hebrew titles and names of God, or uttering Hebrew and Greek terms whose meanings are not adequately captured in English (e.g., agapē and shalôm, which mean more than the simplistic “love” and “peace” typically rendered in English Bibles).
Who is Like You, Among the Gods? A Prayer Digest Based on the Original Biblical Languages collects many of the biblical prayers and presents them for use in our prayers today. In its pages, each biblical prayer is listed in the following ways:
Original Language: Hebrew / Aramaic / Greek
English Translation
Transliteration / Pronunciation
The transliteration and pronunciation offered herein is a somewhat simplified system compared to technical academic representation. The goal is to facilitate memorization of the prayers for personal and devotional use.